Greg Schnell: Performance Ranking For Your Portfolio
Using a combination of indicators on, Greg will address some very simple scans and indicators to help investors focus on above average performance stocks and ETF's. These tools have been eye-opening for ETF managers, Investment Houses, and individual investors. The process is easily understood for investors, and should be considered an important tool for analyzing market rotation and investment placement.
Greg Schnell, CMT, MFTA is a Senior Technical Analyst at specializing in intermarket and commodities analysis. Based in Calgary, he is a board member of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysts (CSTA) and the chairman of the CSTA Calgary chapter. He is an active member of both the Market Technicians Association (MTA) and the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA).
Greg joined in 2012. Presently, Greg contributes market analysis commentary to "The Canadian Technician", "Commodities Countdown" and "Don't Ignore This Chart" blogs. His primary technical interest is in the global intermarket relationships between the equities, bonds, currencies and commodities markets. Greg recently won two awards with the CSTA: Canadian Technical Blogger Of The Year, Technical Training/Educator Of The Year.